At the Mehli Mehta Music Foundation, we believe that music is life changing. It has a powerful impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of both children and adults. Since our establishment in 1995, we have made a continuing effort to bring Western classical music to the city of Mumbai. But the bedrock of the Foundation is music education and through our educational programs we have touched the lives of innumerable children and adults.

Our Discover Music Programme is the entry point to music education, where children learn to ‘make friends’ with music – listening, singing and learning rhythm, pulse and pitch.
The Discover Music Programme moves seamlessly into The Singing Tree, where children discover the potential and flexibility of their voices in our choirs, making music together. We have six choirs for different age levels. The voice is our first instrument, and the joy that children find in singing together affirms that we were all born to sing.

A natural progression from the Discover Music Programme and choir classes is to the learning of an instrument. The Foundation offers individual lessons for piano, violin, viola, cello and voice. Our faculty includes highly trained professional teachers from international conservatories as well as several local teachers, and we frequently hold workshops for our students with visiting artists. We are proud that many of our students have taken music as their major subject at renowned music schools across the world.

If you would like to expose your child to the world of music, please register and we will get in touch with you. Or write to us at or call 23823644.


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