Discover Music


Early Music Education

This interactive programme introduces young children from the ages of 1 to 6 to the basic elements of music and musical instruments. Listening to music, singing and percussion exercises are an integral part of the lesson. Our tailor made programme uses innovative activities and games integrating the Carl Orff, the Kodály, the Da Capo methods and the Colourstrings Approach. The programme starts at age 1½ with a “parent & child” programme, and goes onto age 6.

These classes provide a solid foundation for the learning of an instrument.

Discover Music teachers have been intensively trained by Naheed Cruickshank, one of the United Kingdom’s finest early years’ music specialists.


How does Discover Music benefit my child

Young children, for the most part, love and respond positively to music. They are naturally receptive to the nuances of pitch and rhythm. The physical and mental health of children improves with measured and planned exposure to classical music, and research has shown that children who are exposed to music at an early age do better academically, and in other developmental areas.

Discover Music classes teach children pulse, rhythm and movement through songs, games, and playing percussion instruments in creative and imaginative ways. Fine and gross motor skills are improved through improvisational dancing, and the handling of the instruments. Vocal, language and speech development are enhanced through rhymes and singing, while listening skills and concentration are improved with aural training. Sharing and cooperation are reinforced through the sharing of instruments, and learning to participate with other students.


Which Discover Music class is appropriate for my child?

The Mehli Mehta Music Foundation runs programmes for young children at different ages:

  • Discover Music 2, for Parents & Toddlers aged 18 months and over
  • Discover Music 3, for Parents & Toddlers aged 2 ½ and over
  • Discover Music 4 for Students 3 ½ and over
  • Discover Music 5 for Students 4 ½ and over
  • Discover Music 6 for Students 5 ½ and over


Each class meets once a week for 45 minutes. The Foundation expects children to attend regularly and arrive to class on time.


Who is Naheed Cruickshank?

Naheed Cruickshank is an early music educator and teacher trainer; she uses movement, puppets, live music and percussion instruments in her sessions. She has extensive experience working with young children and delivers specialized training sessions for music teachers all over the UK. Teacher training at the Mehli Mehta Music Foundation is an ongoing activity and teachers upgrade their skills on a regular basis.


What are the Orff Approach, the Kodály Method, the DaCapo Method, and the Colourstrings Approach?

The Orff Approach, the Kodály Method, the DaCapo Method and the Colourstrings Approach are some of the developmental approaches used to teach music education to young children.

  • The Orff Approach combines music, movement, drama, and speech into lessons that are similar to child’s world of play.
  • The Kodály Method uses a child-developmental approach to sequence, introducing skills in accordance with the capabilities of the child. Children are first introduced to musical concepts through experiences such as listening, singing, or movement. It is only after the child becomes familiar with a concept that he or she learns how to notate it. Concepts are constantly reviewed and reinforced through games, movement, songs, and exercises.
  • DaCapo sessions always take place in a circle and do not use the conventional method of directed learning: instead there is a sense of shared exploration and an emphasis on creative contribution from every participant.
  • Colourstrings is a child-centred approach. The materials are colourful, stimulating and entice children to embark on musical adventures that will enable each of them to fulfil their musical potential through fun and creativity, without pressure.

Who are the Discover Music Faculty?


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